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Re: [OM] Wide angle focus near & far (long)

Subject: Re: [OM] Wide angle focus near & far (long)
From: Damon Wood <deewhy_au@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 13:38:50 +1000 (EST)

wide angle lenses, if you are an enthusiast become extremely useful (and 
addictive). Architectural and landscape photography is done extensively with 
focal lengths of between 17-50mm (even 8mm!). 

Eg., why do landscape photographers use wide angles - max DOP and extensive 
subject range throught the viewfinder.

With a wide angle lens (say 21mm), if u focus to infinity, DOF will extend from 
infinity to around 2 metres, but the DOF behind infinity is wasted. The trick 
is to focus on say, 2 meters so the DOF extends back to infinity, but also 
extends forward 0.8 meters. (The distances I am talking about are located on 
your lenses - as you will see thankfully on all your beloved Zuiko?s, they are 
marked on the lenses with distances in meters and feet [inc. the infinity 

This is called hyperfocal focusing (HFF), and the point which maximises the 
extent of the DOF is called the hyperfocal point. Use it!!!!!! Look at your 
results and compare them to those you previously took without using the HFF.

This will be a similar case to using your 35mm f2 (damn ? havnt got one). Try 
shooting in between f8-11 and compare them to your others taken at say f16-22. 
I have a habbit of going straight to f22 or 16 to maximise DOF. This is OK, but 
occasionally 35mm format lenses perform better at those mod ? way apetures. But 
if you have a medium ? large format camera, crank the apeture to a pin! 

I need to pay more attention to those apetures delivering impecable optical 
performance such as f8 ? 11. I have a habbit of thinking I need everything in 
good DOF. But sometimes, blending the background because of a slight lack of 
DOF makes the image, to the eye, seem very distant from your foreground 
subjects. Theres nothing wrong with that either. 

Hope that helps ? its an old and totally necessary procedure in every 
photography book. 



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