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Re: [OM] 21/3.5 SC vs 21/3.5 MC vs 21/2

Subject: Re: [OM] 21/3.5 SC vs 21/3.5 MC vs 21/2
From: Tris Schuler <tristanjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 07:05:13 -0700
I would add that if flare were a possible issue (say, with light streaming at a vicious angle across the lens--shooting into the sun isn't anything MC can handle) with a SC variant then I'd simply go with a quality MC slim filter--and in that scenario a B+W would spring immediately to mind based on my (happy) experience with them.

I've never owned a lens wider than 24mm so I cannot say what the practical difference would be in the field between the Zuiko 21mm and 24mm lenses in terms of flare factor. Greater with the former seems the intuitive answer, of course, but by how much I don't know.

Have you noticed appreciably greater problems with the 21mm over the 24mm, Tom? (I assume you have and use the 24mm occasionally--last time I looked on your site you seemed to have three of everything. <g>) By that I guess I mean does it strike you the 21mm might have any special issues with flare over and above those which would be caused by the wider angle of view?

For what it's worth, my 24mm f2.8 is SC and, except for a very demanding situation I encountered (and totally botched) this summer in Spain (it was a plaza shot toward early evening with the sun just still over the tops of the buildings and flowing over the scene acutely) I've never had a problem with flare.

Which reminds me: I took some fireworks shots as planned, and to whomever it was who predicted (the likelihood of) flare in these shots: I experienced none at all, typical in my experience thus far with this situation. But again, all of these pictures were taken with my trusted B+W Skylight MC's screwed on tight. Lenses employed: 24mm f2.8 SC and 28mm f2 MC.

Finally: has anyone ever studied the cumulative effects of MC elements? In other words, would there be something to be gained and lost by putting an MC filter over an MC lens? I always wondered about that but have never read anything on it. (My guess is there must be some tradeoff, though with quality glass probably so small as to be moot.)


I've owned all three, both SC and MC 21/3.5 and the 21/2.  In normal use, I
honestly couldn't pick out which picture was taken by which lens.  Overall
the 21/2 might be a little sharper, but the difference is small and the
21/3.5 is so much smaller and lighter that I like it too.

As for flare, I haven't found it to really be a problem with any of the
three.  Let's face it, shoot into the sun with a super-wide and you'll get
flare.  Will the SC version flare more? Probably, but the differences are
pretty small.

The 21/3.5 I have now is a silvernose with a less than perfect front
element. Doesn't bother me at all.

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