I'm not going to blame anyone but myself and I just ordered the Sprintscan
4000. That doesn't sound so bad to some of you . . . but I have no computer
that will work with it. Guess I'll have to buy a new computer to scan my
Zuiko images to share with the list. Last month in one of the digital
magazines there was a piece about getting a good computer for use as a
computer darkroom to run Photoshop, etc. The parameters were to keep it
under $1600 or $1700. I intended to go back and buy the rag and didn't do it
before they were all gone. Does anyone out there in Zuiko land recall seeing
this piece? If so please share it with me as I don't remember which
publication it was in. A photographer had written in to ask for a
recommendation and the author responded with about 4 choices. Would also be
interested in list recommendations. This all may seem very strange, but when
I decided to build an Olympus system a couple of years ago, the first thing I
bought was the 50 mm f 3.5 macro. This was before I had a camera body. List
input is appreciated with computer recommendations. Bill Barber