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[OM] an unexpected surprise

Subject: [OM] an unexpected surprise
From: Paul Haigney <lensmanten@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2024 17:56:02 +0100
I finally got round to using my recently acquired €40 Olympus E-P1, Ive had it a few weeks but was away & only stuck a battery in & powered it on before we went on holidays.

I posted a link to a image I took for appraisal, I actually think the camera has had the IR modification done to the sensor, if I insert an SD card with images taken on another body they are correctly displayed on its LCD screen so it's not a screen fault.

I examined both sensors side by side my own e-p1 & this recently acquired body & there's a marked difference, my own has the usual iridescent purple/ green hues whilst the other has a dull brownish colour.

I'm open to correction from someone more knowledgable about IR photography, see link for example https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V2PKFGhGDyL61BTq5QMIPQQgbp5QE5cE/view?usp=sharing

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