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Re: [OM] Another friend gone on

Subject: Re: [OM] Another friend gone on
From: "ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(swisspace)" <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2024 14:10:05 +0200
Very sad indeed, I liked the exchanges with Bob on and off list, he led an 
interesting life and it was a pleasure to have know him even if it was only 

With best regards

> On 21 Sep 2024, at 06:02, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Many will remember Bob Whitmire on the list. We became off list, in person 
> friends with him and his wife, Joan.
> From Joan,
> Bob passed away yesterday morning (9/17). He had been unresponsive since the 
> weekend although we talked to him. I passed along your love and support. His 
> transition appeared pretty smooth with diminishing breathing until, close to 
> sunrise, he made a slight grimace and stopped breathing. On to his next grand 
> adventure. I am lucky to have spent most of my life with him.
> We, too, have been lucky to be his friends, wish him well on his next 
> adventure and are holding love for Joan in this time.
> I have, of course, been thinking about Bob a lot recently. This photo may 
> best capture the joyful child that was part of him. 
> <https://photos.app.goo.gl/uxyW27bzMrEcfRP88>
> Interestingly, we were just at that location last week.
> Saddened Moose
> --
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