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Re: [OM] Flyover at 20,000'

Subject: Re: [OM] Flyover at 20,000'
From: Piers Hemy <piers@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 12:26:27 +0100
Cc: watershed1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yes! the house is not visible, because you were, indeed, directly
overhead. Much the same as three flights of four F-15 a couple of
weeks back, making considerably more noise than you - although unlike
the commercial flights, no contrails.

But this is getting strange - you stayed at Loch End near Applecross a
few years back, did you not? When I had chanced to a) drive past and
b) note the name of the house.

Fess up, Mike, who is stalking who?



On Wed, 18 Sept 2024 at 19:31, Mike Lazzari via olympus
<olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>    Passed directly over your house today at 1pm Piers.
>    Mike
>    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wuran3wtlp6ufta0wbmo7/cromarty.jpg?rlkey
>    =mryg6awqqwlgatospjvil1ehw&st=38zf9zsp&dl=0
> --
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