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Re: [OM] Macro flashes and transmitter warranties aren't what they used

Subject: Re: [OM] Macro flashes and transmitter warranties aren't what they used to be
From: "tOM Trottier" <tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 20:03:41 -0400
On  Sunday, September 8, 2024 at 20:24(ET)re:
        [OM] Macro flashes and transmitter
        usher99--- via olympus

>I've been looking at an alternative fill flash alternative than my trusty T32 
>with ND
>filter as auto mode isn't always accurate  (50-75%?).  These new very light 
>versions from Flashpoint were released this year---really Adorama rebranded 
>Godox and
>they all work together.  The Li ion batteries are not replaceable but have fast
>recycle times---can probably even do focus brackets.  They can be used cross 
>TTL with a different transmitter.  My transmitter is a bit clunky/finicky 
>R2  --there is a mark II version.  

I use a handmade corrugated plastic bounce
attached to the T32, with the light tilted up for
a broad light.--
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Naomi  Bloom
If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope
for  it._ " Albert Einstein                  '
(_)/ (_)
Don't buy upgrades, ride up grades._"Eddy Merckx.
  tOM Trottier +1 613 860-6633 Skype:Abacurial

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