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[OM] Scanning silk finish prints

Subject: [OM] Scanning silk finish prints
From: Mike Bloor <admin@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2024 19:19:36 +0100
I am trying to scan some old black and white prints using Vuescan. They are printed on paper which I think was known as "silk finish".

The finish is producing many white dots across the scan. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to remove these? I can get rid of the worst by opening the output in Photoshop and clipping the highlights.

There is still a pattern over the whole image though, as shown in this segment here - http://www.vyuze.com/images/speckle.jpg

I have tried using the descreen option in Vuescan, but that didn't help much. I am using an HP Officejet Pro 8715 (same as 8710 in other markets).


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