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Re: [OM] IMG: New friend

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: New friend
From: Peter Klein <boulanger.croissant@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 14:50:56 -0700
Thanks, Chris and Moose. Chris, if I recall, you have a Maine Coon Cat, right. Those are *big*. But don't let Carley's small size fool you (16 lbs, 7.25 kg).  Border Terriers were bred to be ratters and fox hunters in the Cheviot Hills straddling the border between England and Scotland. They are very smart and think independently. And woe be unto any small animal that enters our yard. The moment she sees one, she goes into "Elmer Fudd Mode," i.e. "I'm hunting a wabbit."  So Moose, she is both bordered and tenacious.  :-)

You should have seen her when we visited our friends out in the country. They have an oversexed teenage standard poodle. The two dogs played for a bit, but I had to intervene when said poodle attempted to exercise his "droit du seigneur." OTOH, Carley got along just great with our friend's daughter's 240 pound mastiff, whose picture I've posted before. His head is as big as she is.


I wrote:

Chris Crawford wrote:
> He's about the size of my cat, maybe a little smaller!

Moose wrote:
> Glad you found a new friend.

> Neither bordered nor tenacious,
>   Moose
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