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Re: [OM] IMG: New friend

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: New friend
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 10:59:45 -0700
On 8/1/2024 6:33 PM, Peter Klein wrote:
We lost our Border Terrier, Tilly last February at age 16 1/2. We like this particular breed, so I looked for another "Border." This is Carley, who we brought home at the end of June. She was a breeder's dog, and at age 5 is now done with having puppies. She needed a new home, and we're it. She's a sweet, affectionate girl. As you can see, she's settled in quite nicely. This is one of her favorite positions, "helping" me when I'm using the computer or operating my ham radio.  iPhone photo by Katya.

Glad you found a new friend.

Neither bordered nor tenacious,


What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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