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Re: [OM] Which OM digital ?

Subject: Re: [OM] Which OM digital ?
From: Paul Haigney <lensmanten@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 22:06:53 +0100
I decided to come back down to earth & keep my current canon dslr kit, although on checking its condition I noticed some light fungus on the canon 70-200 (white one) which I forgot to pack when returning from holiday 2yrs ago, hotel kept it safe until I returned last April now sent for cleaning, I then picked up a nice little 4 lens +2x multiplier bundle on ebayfor a little over €250 incl shipping, all arrived in excellent condition but the cherry on the cake was a solid little 8mm fisheye (Walimex) but also sold under different names https://tinyurl.com/5ds62tek.

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