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Re: [OM] Juvenile Bald Eagle

Subject: Re: [OM] Juvenile Bald Eagle
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 08:50:49 -0700
At 2/29/2024 03:22 AM, you wrote:

>Mike forwarded the original ORF file to me.
>I think this is a pretty good version. 
>WayneS, just short of over the top? Without flipping back and forth, just let 
>it settle a bit. ð???
>Processing Posts Moose
>On 2/28/2024 4:19 PM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
>>OK, there may be potential in that shot after all.  Marnie was astounded 
>>that it was a viable as her response to my rendition was a big "meh."Â  Too 
>>bad about the blob--perhaps judicious cloning might work.  The deep shadows 
>>seemed to fall apart when I lifted the shadows in PS---I have been in a PP 
>>rut.  Just investigated a few new dodge and burn techniques.
>>Under cooked, Mike

I think it is pretty good. It sits well. Working from the raw file always helps 
as one can possibly minimize things like the blob before the blob gets enhanced 
from the conversion. Taking care of it before boosting contrast, for instance.

I remember once I forgot to change ACR to output in 16 bit. 8 bit mode limits 
shadow recovery.

One tool I have been testing lately, with careful adjustments, is the HDR 
Toning adjustment. I say careful as one can blow the photo out very easily. I'm 
curious if you have tried it in PS?

One area I use it is when the standard profile curves do not work so well. I 
then try a linear profile curve. The linear curve gives a flatter image, but 
one can then recover detail that might get blown out with a standard curve. You 
can find one at https://goodlight.us/linear-profiles.html

on the TK Panels & Videos page, one can download TK Lum-Mask (generates 
luminosity masks - free). Dave Kelly uses it a low and I have become a fan. 
Using a mid-tones mask on an adjustment can help prevent blowing out highlights 
and shadows.

16-bit WayneS 
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