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[OM] Juvenile Bald Eagle

Subject: [OM] Juvenile Bald Eagle
From: usher99--- via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 22:54:37 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: "usher99@xxxxxxx" <usher99@xxxxxxx>
I went looking for Bald Eagles this long weekend and did spot a few.  Some 
adults were across a large amount of water and couldn't get a good shot due to 
distance and atmospheric perturbations.   I spotted one juvenile close by in a 
tree in the back part of Deer Island which is between Amesbury and Newburyport. 
 I did not realize I had a huge amount of shmutz on the sensor which is usually 
not a problem in MFT unlike my Sonnie cam.   I think I got most of it off after 
holding it down and turning it off and on a few times and blowing off the 
sensor with a blower ---but a day late.  A sky image now at F22 looks like a  
here are still a few tiny tiny things.  I think a blob degraded my shot.  :-(  
We also had a few snow squalls while chasing the eagles.


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