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Re: [OM] Juvenile Bald Eagle

Subject: Re: [OM] Juvenile Bald Eagle
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 08:16:02 -0700
At 2/26/2024 10:58 PM, Moose wrote:

>On 2/19/2024 2:54 PM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
>>I went looking for Bald Eagles this long weekend and did spot a few.  Some 
>>adults were across a large amount of water and couldn't get a good shot due 
>>to distance and atmospheric perturbations.   I spotted one juvenile close 
>>by in a tree in the back part of Deer Island which is between Amesbury and 
>>Newburyport.  I did not realize I had a huge amount of shmutz on the sensor 
>>which is usually not a problem in MFT unlike my Sonnie cam.   I think I got 
>>most of it off after holding it down and turning it off and on a few times 
>>and blowing off the sensor with a blower ---but a day late.  A sky image now 
>>at F22 looks like a  here are still a few tiny tiny things.  I think a blob 
>>degraded my shot.  :-(  We also had a few snow squalls while chasing the 
>Great catch!
>More may be done to it. I did a quick 8 bit mess with it, then wandered off . 
>. .
>Here it is. <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/Others/Usher/WetBaldie.htm>
>Imperfect, but not worth more effort on an already processed JPEG.
>Wet Bird Flies at Night Moose
...and leaves no trace.

The update feels a little too much to my eyes (personal taste)... 

Why does the white blob become a dark blob near the head? Is that a raindrop?

To me, the original seems more real. Mind you, probably just me... but I do 
like the detail and contrast as it highlights what my eyes cannot see. I might 
try backing off on the opacity a bit.

I recently updated ccprofiler (ColorChecker Display Plus) and recalibrated my 
monitors. Images are now a bit more vibrant than before. I notice I have a 
tendency to over do photo processing. The images look great but after my time 
testing method (viewing after some time has passed) often has me reverting to 
slightly more subdued processing. 

If you show them to most people, though, their initial impression is to like 
the cooked image.

Reality is over rated - WayneS
My monitor is the moon
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