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Re: [OM] EM-1 ii and "shutter shock" remedies

Subject: Re: [OM] EM-1 ii and "shutter shock" remedies
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 15:23:22 -0800
I guess I should take a few days off more often, if it gens up this much list traffic! 

On 2/10/2024 3:21 PM, Peter Klein wrote:
. . .

Yes, I think I'm going to love the camera once I get it set up. It's just that when initially confronted with 80,642 settings, it feels a bit bewildering at first. I think the menu system was designed by the offspring of a Japanese designer who won the award for "most stuff in menus," and an American programmer with autism who won the "obfuscated C" programming contest several years in a row. And some of the goofy terminology is bizarre: a button is not a button, it's a button function to which you bind a "button task."

It's really the same old Oly menu as I started using with the E-PL1 - just about broken be the increase in functions and customizeability over the years.

With the OM-1, OMS completely redesigned the menu system. It's a shock of change, but ultimately better, i think. Especially useful is the new MyMenu, where one may save copies of most used menu items from anywhere else, in whatever order one wishes. As a result, I almost never engage with the whole system.

Another pointer for anyone moving from E-M5, etc. is to use the Custom Settings. Get the camera set up the way you want, then save those settings to C1, and leave the camera on C1. That way each time it starts, it is in a known state, not just how it happened to be when turned off or timed out.

Made some changes? To get back, just switch out of and back into C1. Made some changes you want to be default? Simply re-save current into C1.

I use all three C Modes, but C1 is the bedrock.

All that said, it's a fine camera. I'm sure it can do anything I want it to. I just gotta find the function objects. Ah, well, with freedon comes responsibility.  :-)  :-)  :-)

Now to see if I will succumb to Lens Acquisition Syndrome. That 12-40/2.8 is tempting. But I do prefer the fast, small primes, and I've already got them.

A report on a faster, big prime should be coming soon, I hope.

Lost in the Bokeh Zone Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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