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Re: [OM] EM-1 ii and "shutter shock" remedies

Subject: Re: [OM] EM-1 ii and "shutter shock" remedies
From: Frank <wijsmuller@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 17:56:41 +0100
I'm glad someone counted all the settings...

Mine is on mechanical zero seconds as well, usually. I only use silent when
necessary, and some of the options only use the electronical shutter, like
the high resolution option.

I sold my 12-40 because I didn't use it after acquiring the 12-100, which I
like very much. However, the 12-40 didn't let me down and I was always
pleasantly surprised after importing the pictures in Lightroom.

Enjoy your new camera!

PS I kind of understand your rant on the menu system, but if you want to
feel better about it try a Fujifilm GFX50S ii or 100S. The people who
designed that system should be banned from the industry, imho...

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