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Re: [OM] EM-1 ii and "shutter shock" remedies

Subject: Re: [OM] EM-1 ii and "shutter shock" remedies
From: Peter Klein <boulanger.croissant@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2024 15:21:00 -0800
Hi, David!  Thanks for the reply. Nice to know that the elctronic shutter only does the "jelly roll" in extreme situations. I'm giving it a try. Not feeling the shutter movement in my hands is probably a good thing. It is a little weird not to hear anything when the exposure is made, though. I notice there is a blinking on the screen--maybe that will be enough.

Yes, I think I'm going to love the camera once I get it set up. It's just that when initially confronted with 80,642 settings, it feels a bit bewildering at first. I think the menu system was designed by the offspring of a Japanese designer who won the award for "most stuff in menus," and an American programmer with autism who won the "obfuscated C" programming contest several years in a row. And some of the goofy terminology is bizarre: a button is not a button, it's a button function to which you bind a "button task."

All that said, it's a fine camera. I'm sure it can do anything I want it to. I just gotta find the function objects. Ah, well, with freedon comes responsibility.  :-)  :-)  :-)

Now to see if I will succumb to Lens Acquisition Syndrome. That 12-40/2.8 is tempting. But I do prefer the fast, small primes, and I've already got them. I have occasionally used my >50mm Leica and OM Zuiko lenses as telephotos, with good results. Convenience vs. size and weight...

Best to you and Rose.

> HI Peter!
> I still have my EM-1 Mk II. Great camera!
> I used the Anti-shock for a while, but then switched to the fully
> electronic shutter, and I use is for everything. I've had obvious rolling
> shutter when flying with our grandson (a great pilot) and shooting through
> the prop. Other than that, I have never had any problems with rolling
> shutter.
> And, I get 1,000 shots+ per charge.
> Stay with it. Once you get it running the way you want, you'll find it a
> delight.
> David.
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