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Re: [OM] Trouble-Bubble adapters

Subject: Re: [OM] Trouble-Bubble adapters
From: usher99--- via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 23:05:29 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: "usher99@xxxxxxx" <usher99@xxxxxxx>
Simplicity Moose writes:
<<<Consider the Fotasy sans helicoid, but with angular adjustment, and Sony E 
mount extension tubes? With so many mounts, I only bother with <<<post 
adaptation extensions.

Good suggestion and that is an option.  I read that the macro adapters seem to 
vignette with some lenses.  I know you have a stable of oddball mounts with a 
myriad of adapters so that may be a better strategy.I don't have nearly as many 
oddball mounts as you and this would be my only M42 mount and the adapter would 
live on the lens.  I need to reorganize my adapters and put in one clear box.  
( I have it,  but the sorting has not occurred)I know there are Leica M to Sony 
helicoid adapters and I looked into an angular adjustable M42 to Leica M 
adapter and then the helicoid Leica M to Sonnie.  As it is an alt lens anyway, 
don't worry much about additive registration issues or slight tilt.  The 
problem is the Leica M helicoid adapters only give about 4mm extension which 
would only get the mag to about 1:7 from 1:9.   Actually my Techart Pro AF 
Leica M to Sonnie adapter gives 4mm extra extension which I had forgotten 
about. The 30 mm is what is really needed, so that doesn't work well.   I also 
would now need a new box for adapters to the adapters and be able to find them 
in a timely manner.  
Adaptable Mike
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