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Re: [OM] Trouble-Bubble adapters

Subject: Re: [OM] Trouble-Bubble adapters
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:00:40 -0700
On 8/21/2023 8:06 AM, om3ti@xxxxxxxx wrote:

I have the Fotodiox adapter for Sony E and the macro extension is more than most.

My Fotasy M42=>SonyE adapters have 25.8 mm of rather smooth helicoid extension. As the lenses I use them on have CF distances of 5'7" and 11'6", the extension is more about getting decent CF than macro.

Probably my most used adapter.

I have so many different mount lenses that no one adapter model gets "most used" title. 😁 Looks like 23 different combos of lens and body mounts. Ridiculous, but fun.

The Vello seems almost identical and I often wonder if made by the same factory. I have never had an issue with the scales not being on top.

Pre-order lens now at https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1780880-REG/7artisans_photoelectric_f10028_b_m42_100mm_f_2_8_lens_for.html

Does not show a lens hood with the lens, 49mm.

The original OM hood for 50 mm lenses would look great on it! <http://galleries.moosemystic.net/MooseFoto/index.php?gallery=Tech/Lens_Hoods&image=IMG_1197.jpg>

Getting Closer Moose
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