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Re: [OM] Trouble-Bubble adapters

Subject: Re: [OM] Trouble-Bubble adapters
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 02:05:49 -0700
On 8/20/2023 1:50 PM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
Little Toil, No Trouble Moose writes:
I would buy the Fotasy Copper from your link. CF of 36 in. on a 100 mm lens is 
pretty good; then I'd use an achromatic C-U lens for closer. The Oly iS/L Lens 
A-Macro H.Q. Converter f=40cm would screw right in.

Thanks for commenting.  It does have the adjustment screws and the price is right.  The 
issue is the lens itself---"If you need an adapter ring to use this lens, it is recommended to 
use an adapter with a centerline adjustment function."
100mm f2.8 Bubble Bokeh – TTArtisan

Scroll down a bit.

Yes, I saw that. If you want the distance and f-stop indices on top, you need the radial adjustment screws. Just like T-Mount adapters.

Good observation on the Oly iS/L converter--not one I have.

That's the first one an Oly person should have!

I have a fair number of achromatic CU diopters but not that one.  Your stable 
is impressive.

Possibly compulsive?

Your post prompted me to do a quick calculation.  With the CF of 0.9m, would have a max mag of 
about 1:7.  30mm of extension would get quite close to 1:2.  My worry with the CU diopter 
is it might pop the bubbles.  My experience has been the CU diopter seems to really smooth out 
bokeh, at least in general.

Don't know about that. Could be tested.

  Fotodiox seems to have a helicoid macro adapter, but it is half the cost of the lens.  
Also, not sure it is "adjustable", but it does have screws.

Looking closer, it looks like the Fotasy heli adapter could be rough adjusted 
in 90 increments.

The lens seems to be out of stock for at least a month. It is pretty soft wide with very 
"bad" corners open but then that is not the really the point.

Is it "Bad" if it's intentional? One review found it pretty sharp in the center, wide open and very sharp down a stop. My Alt collection has lots of soft corners, many intentional. 😉

Cornered Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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