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[OM] Hand grip strap for an E-M1 II - Reccomendations?

Subject: [OM] Hand grip strap for an E-M1 II - Reccomendations?
From: Lawrence Woods <lmwoods@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 18:34:14 -0400
I'm thinking of trying a hand grip strap on my E-M1 II and was interested in hearing of anyone's experience.

The Amazon (USA) site shows several hand grips in the $18-25 range The cheaper ones do not have a safety strap that lets you release your grip on the camera.

A company called JJC has two or three models, all around $24-25. Two have an "Arca style" QR plate for the bottom attachment point, one has a "standing U plate.  The U plate version has legs that swing forward for stability if you put the camera down on a flat surface.  I have no idea if it would be stable with a 12-100mm lens, though. The U plate is also longer than the QR plate.  It might interfere with the battery door.

The difference in the QR plate models is the top attachment point. One attaches to the strap slot at the top-right of the camera (e.g.Nikons) - or presumably to the D-ring in the case of the E-M1 II.  The other uses an attachment plate with its own strap slot in place of a D-ring in the camera's eyelet. The plate screws into the right-side eyelet hole, but it apparently only works if the camera's eyelet is at perpendicular to the front of the camera - not the case on an E-M1 II.  Presumably, for an E-M1 II you can just ignore the plate and connect the strap like the other model.

Two other brands, Altura and Art Tribute have bent lugs on the tripod screw attachment plate,so you can't easily put the camera down on a flat surface.

So what are peoples' experience or opinions?  Presumably, at this price, the straps are made of pleather instead of real leather. Does it get hot and uncomfortable on your hand?  Can you carry the camera for long periods of time?


     ----- Larry Woods

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