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[OM] IMG: Back to Brussels

Subject: [OM] IMG: Back to Brussels
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2022 19:19:14 +0200
Quite unusually, I have not had any trips to Brussels in 2022, until about 10 
days ago. Nothing to do with the pandemic, I have had several other business 
trips, including to Denmark (2), France (also 2), the USA, but through various 
coincidences, Brussels, an otherwise frequent destination for me, has not 
featured until now. But now I was back there again, and in November I will be 
there twice. So rather than starting a gallery for each trip, I have set up a 
combined gallery for my 2022 visits to Brussels, and the first 39 images are 


This was a short trip, only about 24 hours, but I made the best of it, visiting 
some of the old favourite places, but also encountering some luck by happening 
upon the graduation ceremony of the Free University, held right on Grand’ 
Place, and in the European Parliament where I spoke in the morning of the 13th, 
there was a nice exhibition of contemporary art from the Czech Republic.

In November, I will add to this gallery. In the meantime, comments and critique 
are welcome and appreciated.


Nathan Wajsman


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