At 12/23/2021 04:10 PM, Moose wrote:
>On 12/14/2021 4:18 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
>>Excellent work, His Fuzziness!
>>You have the Minolta varisoft too, correct? That is 85/2.8 as well.
>Yes, and yes. I actually did some extensive testing of the Minolta with a 2D
>test target. The interaction of aperture, increasing DoF as it gets smaller,
>and Soft setting, is hard to entirely grok.
>Apertures from f2.8 to f16 and soft settings from 0 to 3, by half steps yields
>42 samples. at the same time, I shot the OM 85/2 at all apertures with no
>filter and three Sony Soft filters. Madness!
>>I think you have a most impressive collection of alt fuzzy lenses and gizmos.
>I love it ? and am often a bit cconfused by all the options.
>Satiation Moose
If you are confused, what about the rest of us photog mortals?
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: