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Re: [OM] Is OMZ 50 1.4 (high sn) sharper stopped down than 50 1.2? --Cau

Subject: Re: [OM] Is OMZ 50 1.4 (high sn) sharper stopped down than 50 1.2? --Caution, on topic.
From: "C.H.Ling" <ch_photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2021 21:24:29 +0800
Thanks for the warm welcome, Mike and Piers. I'm still reading the list everyday and wait to see if I can contribute something :-) Topaz Sharpen AI is one of the topic as I found it very useful for saving the shake shots. Thanks for Moose image samples on the Sharpen AI, it led me to purchase the software.

After playing the software for a few weeks, I found it very good for shake and noise reduction but you have to be very careful on the artifacts it could create during the process especially in "Motion Blur" mode. The software has problem in many areas but it worth the money even it only works on certain percentage of the problem images I have, it is highly recommended.


On 21/05/14 18:20, Piers Hemy wrote:
I agree, nice to hear from you, CH. I was listening to a BBC Radio item on
how the intentions for HK in 1997 have turned out, and was thinking that it
had been long-time no-hear.


-----Original Message-----

C.H.Ling writes:

<<The test files are here, around 3MB each:


<<Shot in 2009 with 5D II.

<<<I believe the newer lenses will do much better technically but I have not
looking for better gears for sometime. My interest is shifted to colour and
tone adjustment with the latest technique I learned.

Nice to hear from you!  Those images are a treasure to pixel peepers and OMZ
lens fans of any sort.

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