At 11/24/2020 04:04 AM, Moose wrote:
>On 11/23/2020 5:50 PM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
>>Here is a stack of 28 with the Voigtlander 110mm at F7.1.
>>3D ness?
>On 11/23/2020 7:18 PM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
>>I agree with your assessment. I don't particularly like my shot. It does not
>>hold interest.
>Did it get a fair chance? It seems to my eye that framing is wrong and it
>hasn't been processed as fully as a single shot might be.
>My addition of "air" on the top is a little sloppy, but may give the idea.
>Framing and cropping are just as important for a stack as any other photo. A
>5x4 drop fits the proper framing well.
>Alternate PoV Moose
Thanks Moose. I have a bad habit of NOT cropping my shots. The helicon focus
DNG file output shows more on top but bringing it into PS, PS somehow is
cropping the top. I have seen this happen before. The embedded raw preview is
also cropped.
I went back to Helicon focus and saved as a Tiff file and the extra on the top
imported into PS. Helicson Focus automatically crops but it still sees more
pixels than what PS and camera raw reports? How is HF able to get more pixels
out of the raw file?
I also noticed a halo effect and Helicon Focus suggest increasing the radius,
which helped (changed from 2 to 20). But there are still some artifacts - note
the bottom of the left flower.
Here is the reprocessed file with some camera raw clarity boost. Note that I
did not add anything extra on the top as Helicon Focus finds those pixels that
photoshop discards. ??? I am assuming the camera embeds image size and HF is
just ignoring that. How can one see the raw file the way HF does? And has me
wondering what I actually saw in the viewfinder.
Pixel confused - WayneS
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