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Re: [OM] Creating aluminium based images

Subject: Re: [OM] Creating aluminium based images
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2020 10:04:52 -0800
> I'm curious how this works. The point of coatings on paper for inkjet 
> printing is to have a place that absorbs the vehiclle in which the dye or 
> pigments are suspended. So how can you print on enamel?

With paint!

In a nutshell, the inks used for printing on these other kinds of
materials is more like an acrylic paint. The paint is effectively
blown onto the surface by the print head. Unlike traditional inks
which get absorbed into the surface, these are painted onto the
surface and then quickly dry.

AG windblown Schnozz
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