Does anyone have experience of "printing" images onto thin sheets of aluminium
either at home or through a pro level photo lab ?
Our son has asked me for several of my images for him to put onto aluminium
sheeting and to be hung as wall art.
The images are both from scanned 35mm colour negatives [at 4,000ppi resolution]
and from my X-Pro 1.
In the absence of knowing any better I am sending him 16 bit TIFF images sized
at 4,500 x 3,000 pixels at 300 ppi resolution having done the necessary
cropping, clean ups and a touch of unsharp-masking in Photoshop.
I assume that the photo lab would be able to downgrade those images to whatever
level of quality is optimal for their printing / transfer process.
This aluminium print novice is looking for any expert advice which might be out
For us Canadians it is Canada Day but unlike other Firsts of July, 2020's is
most definitely not as upbeat as in prior years.
Thanks in advance
John Hudson
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: