That's the clearest mountain image I've seen in a long, long time.
I've been using the brother of your lens, on my E-M1. As you've said,
not the fastest AF in the world, but can certainly surprise you at times.
On 3/29/20 11:37 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
Self-Isolating Day in Alaska. Eagle River Nature Center. Everybody
stayed away from each other on the trails. Late winter days don't get
much prettier than this. Olympus E-400 with OMD 14-54 Mk1 lens.
Converted and processed in Adobe Lightroom. Honestly, with the Kodak
sensor, I really don't have to try very hard. 1/200 at F9.0, 20mm, ISO
100. 61°13'29.594" N 149°16'25.542" W
AK Schnozz
Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: