At 3/5/2020 06:42 PM, AG Schnozz wrote:
>> My eyes like color. Perhaps if I had some color blindness, B&W might have
>> more interest. Otherwise I like to saturate all my senses, not desaturate
>> them.
>You and my wife, both. She doesn't even pretend to tolerate my B&W
>images. Maybe one or two, but generally not. But in all fairness, she
>finds pinhole pictures to be "offensive" (her word) too.
Yeah, a pinhole is a bit of a narrow view on life. But I did do the oat
meal carton with wax paper when I was young. It eventually evolved
into me and my best friend building a telescope, grinding the mirror
and everything. My friend became an astronomer. I had more fun
looking at bugs 50 meters away.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: