At 3/5/2020 04:35 PM, Moose wrote:
>On 3/4/2020 1:30 PM, Tina Manley wrote:
>>Thanks, Moose. I use Monochromes because I think differently when I know
>>I'm shooting B&W. I frame and expose for B&W instead of color. It may
>>sound weird, but I can definitely tell the difference. I love B&W and
>>would like to use Monochrome for a whole trip sometime.
>Oh no!
>Your monochrome photo of the Bangladeshi stone carriers in the LUG Annual is
>perfectly nice, but the colors of their costumes, those of the sand carriers
>and their lush surroundings are the ones seared into my visual memory.
I understand that B&W can change how a scene is viewed, but my personal taste
is not in B&W. I find it gets boring more quickly. I shot some acros film once.
Went back to provia and never looked back.
My mind would not have an issue with seeing in B&W while shooting in color. But
that is my mind. Knowing what I can do with a photo in post has more influence
on how I see.
My eyes like color. Perhaps if I had some color blindness, B&W might have more
interest. Otherwise I like to saturate all my senses, not desaturate them.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: