At 11/21/2019 05:38 AM, Mike wrote:
>At 23:54 19/11/2019, you wrote:
>>All told, I've taken almost 90,000 pictures since arriving in Alaska.
>>AK Schnozz
>According to Cartier-Bresson, "Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst",
>so you have passed a milestone.
Please pardon my biased reaction, and diverging OT...
Cartier-Bresson spoke some harsh words, true or not. They do not take into
account the unbridled creativity of the beginner mind, before we start
repeating ourselves and think we arrogantly know. Creativity is a fickle thing
and I would never tell my grand daughter such a statement, or any beginning
I struggle more today with seeing anew than I did when I started photography. I
also question more - what is artistic, what is creative.
With the digital revolution, perhaps his number needs to be revised. :-) That's
286 rolls of film.
"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept." - Henri Cartier-Bresson
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: