Baggy Moose writes:
<<The old PhotoRunner is fab. One body with three lenses. Separate case/bag for
the long one, when needed. I can arrange for one for you, if needed.
Perhaps you can bring it? Stuff it with socks etc so it doesn't really consume
much packing volume. Would have to still lug my backpack/thinktank but trim to
most needed gear for the outing
with photovest/ runner. Mindshift make these rotation gizmos that hides/stows
the beltpack but a cursory look suggests the backpack component is not really
optimized for more gear. I have padded inserts I used
in Switzerland for 8-12 hr hikes to lug a few things but that is too fussy.
Now if Mindshift only made the rotation gizmo with a well designed photo pack,
that might be the ticket.
Not baggy enough, Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: