On Sun, Mar 05, 2017 at 07:51:08AM -0700, Chris Trask wrote:
> Yikes! There are instructions for almost a dozen versions of
> Linux. I guess you should expect that for something that is
> open-source.
Every Linux distro has an architecture/environment, operational profile
and security posture that is just a little bit different to it's peers.
They each have out-of-the-box features and functions aimed at specific
environments and user types (and I'd not be surprised if some of those
user types were students of the Marquis de Sade :) ). Package
installation process details differ slightly as a result.
The open-source approach that has resulted in this somewhat overwhelming
array of options is about being able to create a solution that is a good
fit for a problem, as opposed to needing to modify the problem to fit
into the one or two available solutions.
But... as with many things, #%@$wits can get involved in developing
open-source, too. :)
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