That's what I was trying to do with this Linux garbage. I've picked out a
Win7 package to purchase next week. I already know that it will work with the
machine and give me post-WinXP internet access. I'll just put GNU software on
it, such as Libre Office, GIMP, VLC, as well as others that I know will work
okay. But no design or publishing software as everything I have is Win98/SE
era and won't work with Win7. Some won't even install, but that's okay as I
will maintain a couple of WinXP machines for design and writing purposes, as
well as the Win98/SE office machine for the printer, scanner, etc.
I like to give my computers nicknames. The WinXP machine I'm using right
now is "Deep Thought" and the other one is "Hal". The Win7 machines will be
"Colossus" and "Guardian", while the Win98/SE office machine is "Moby Disk".
Okay SciFi fans, where did "Colossus" and "Guardian" come from?
Hint: "This is the voice of world control."
>If you really care about your blood pressure, then buy a decent modern
>computer and get proper connectivity at home.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: