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Re: [OM] sturdy light weight camera tripods

Subject: Re: [OM] sturdy light weight camera tripods
From: Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2017 16:39:48 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
     "Light" and "sturdy" are pretty much oxymorons when it comes to tripods.  
I've tried a few light ones but invariably went back to the Manfrotto 3000.


>I am presently far away from my home with my Fujifilm camera bodies and 
>various lenses but I am without a tripod. My Manfrotto tripod is simply 
>too heavy and bulky to have been contemplated as an additional baggage item.
>Is there any advice regarding the availability of study and lightweight 
>camera tripods which measure up to the reliability of Manfrotto  
>tripods? A tripod which extends to no less than three feet above round 
>level would be ideal providing that it can cater to uneven ground and 
>has  and adjustable height stem.

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