Actually, the situation here has become far more serious. In an act of
desparation I decided to go to eBay to find an affordable installation disk for
Win7. Much to my surprise and disgust, I quickly discovered that eBay
completely changed its search pages overnight. So, I'm here at the coffee
shop, having spent over an hour updating everything on one of the laptops. Now
I find that they have disabled the search functions, so even if I was serious
about retreading that Win7 hard drive, I can't. If you mouse over the SEARCH
buttons, there it nothing there.
I know I have a Linux hard drive somewhere, but when I went to look for it
weeks ago it was nowhere to be found. It's in a pink static-free pouch. I
guess the Gremlins got it.
I simply cannot afford to buy an entirely new laptop, and even if I could
I would not be able to justify the purchase just to have a functional SEARCH
button on a single solitary website that could be rendered inoperable in a
moment's time.
eBay is the one and only website where these problems persist.
Between this and the unsolvable background downloading proble with
dialup, I wonder if it would be best to do nothing more than collect pieces of
>At this point, go straight to Win10.
>Throughout the years, there have been certain versions of Windows
>which really were solid systems. Others which were trash. Win98SE,
>WinXP, WIn7 and Win10 are among that list of solid ones.
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