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Re: [OM] Adapter on A7

Subject: Re: [OM] Adapter on A7
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2016 10:33:58 -0500
> It's probably stupid of me but the A7 II caught my eye when I realized that
> at $1698 it is much cheaper than the other A7 versions beyond the original
> A7.  I have no idea what the E-M1 II is going to cost but I suppose it could
> be in the same range as the A7 II.

I'm biding my time--satisfying my needs/desires for now with my 6D
that has more mileage than a NYC taxi. What I'm learning through this
process is that the sensor stack is such a critical aspect to all of
this. So far, most of the Sony A7 sensors have flunked the adapted
lens test and aren't ready for prime-time with me.

> I don't know why the siren song of full-frame hangs on nor do I understand
> by you chose to buy an A7.  I think I'd best stop thinking of it.  Even if I
> never put anything on it than existing OM lenses I still don't want to haul
> those around without a small truck.

But that's the reason why I'm doing this. I love the look/feel of the
images from the OM Zuikos. It's a characteristic that I fell in love
with back in January of 1986 when I bought my first OM-2S with 100/2.8
and 35/2.8. Thirty years later, I'm still in love with it. If all you
want is transportation, buy a Chrysler minivan, but if you like
driving, buy a BMW. The OM Zuikos are my camera equivalent to the BMW.

> I never got rid of the 5D thinking I might want to use it for portraits or
> other things needing shallow depth of field.  I think I've used it exactly
> once for that purpose.  Not enough to justify it when there are other means
> to the same end.

The issue I have with your statement is that you've tied format to
just one characteristic. I look at the holistic image that the
full-frame OM Zuikos give me. There is more than shallow DoF, there is
color rendering, contrast, the bokeh, and the general salt-and-pepper
seasoning that the OM Zuikos have that makes the food taste better.
Lenses, like the 28/2 are meant to be used "un-cropped". It's the way
the corners are rendered by the lens that makes the center of the
image as beautiful as it is. Imaging quality is much more than just
math equations.

I'm getting pictures with the 6D that I haven't been able to get for
as long as I've been shooting digital. I'm NOT saying that 4/3 is
inferior, I'm just saying that it is different. I do enjoy both and
will continue to push the limits of the crop-sensor cameras for as
long as I can.

AG Schnozz
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