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Re: [OM] Adapter on A7

Subject: Re: [OM] Adapter on A7
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2016 07:57:26 -0400
I still don't know why they're not compatible but it is verified by this listing noting that this adapter is only for those cameras that came after the original A7. <http://www.ebay.com/itm/Olympus-OM-Lens-to-Sony-A7II-A7m2-A7S-A7R-II-A7S-II-Camera-Adapter-/331531425515?hash=item4d30d016eb:g:~R0AAOSwNSxVM22u>

It's probably stupid of me but the A7 II caught my eye when I realized that at $1698 it is much cheaper than the other A7 versions beyond the original A7. I have no idea what the E-M1 II is going to cost but I suppose it could be in the same range as the A7 II.

I don't know why the siren song of full-frame hangs on nor do I understand by you chose to buy an A7. I think I'd best stop thinking of it. Even if I never put anything on it than existing OM lenses I still don't want to haul those around without a small truck.

I never got rid of the 5D thinking I might want to use it for portraits or other things needing shallow depth of field. I think I've used it exactly once for that purpose. Not enough to justify it when there are other means to the same end.

Chuck Norcutt

On 10/19/2016 12:07 AM, Moose wrote:
On 10/18/2016 2:23 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
Why does an OM -> Sony E mount adapter for an A7 not work on an A7II?
(from the notes on such adapters on ebay)

You need to ask elsewhere. I didn't know that was the case, nor have any
idea why. I have no interest in a II for any current or currently
anticipated uses.

Know Nothing Moose

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