Well, whatever the savings, not every country manages to turn a real
impediment into avaluable asset. Scotland does. Hats up as a result :-)
2016-10-17 12:54 GMT+02:00 Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I think it foolish rather than impressive. This same wind powered grid
> that provided 100% of electrical demand for a single day could tomorrow
> drop to 2% of electrical demand. Because of that everyone of these
> existing wind turbines and those yet to come represent duplication of
> existing generating capacity. That's because power must still be produced
> when the wind doesn't blow.
> Why is it that the renewables industry has been allowed to press ahead
> with new solar and wind farms when there is no practical battery/storage
> technology known that can store the surplus power for when the sun doesn't
> shine and the wind doesn't blow? A day of reckoning is coming when people
> finally realize that all of this investment is duplicating the existing
> power generating capacity with no hope of the renewables making it on their
> own... ever.
> Chuck Norcutt
> On 10/16/2016 4:34 PM, Jim Nichols wrote:
>> Thanks for the link, Philippe. Impressive!
>> Jim Nichols
>> Tullahoma, TN USA
>> On 10/16/2016 2:49 PM, Philippe wrote:
>>> I'm really happy the Scots have been able to make something out of it
>>> these days.
>>> http://tinyurl.com/j58epyj
>>> Amities
>>> Philippe
>> --
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