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Re: [OM] E-M1 vs E-M5II

Subject: Re: [OM] E-M1 vs E-M5II
From: SwissPace <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 May 2016 22:20:46 +0200
When I bough my Audi S4 they paid for a weekend track day event - but when not on the track one of the side events was a demonstration of ABS which involved braking with and without it when two wheels (same side) were on a wet plastic sheet - impossible to brake and not spin without ABS and we also did emergency breaking and lane changing practice manoeuvres - all good fun they even had us getting safely out of an upside down car. They also said more people are injured in modern cars by the objects inside than outside.

I got no such perks with the RS4 which is still running fine after 15 years and capable of keeping up with its newer siblings, although I pondered buying a ferrari 355 which was a similar price and may have been a better investment in the long run but I decided the running costs may be too high - laughable now as I have spent over 10'000 UK pounds equiv Just on the brakes over the years.

On 11/05/16 23:29, Ken Norton wrote:
I took a one-day high-speed driving course at The Glen quite a few
years ago. We used 911s that had some modifications to them. Including
the ability for the instructor to lock the rear wheels up on a wetted
section of track. There's nothing like hitting a wet track at almost
100 mph and have the rear wheels lock up on you and you have to go
through a 90 degree turn. That was brutal, but it taught a level of
vehicle control that I never knew possible as well as a sense of
vehicular crisis management. Alas, skills like that melt away without
practice, but it does come in handy in winter driving.


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