Thanks, Chris. I had to look up those 2, which was interesting, then got to
mention of the nuclear air-to-air Genie, “intended for firing into the middle
of enemy bomber formations”. I always wondered at the wisdom of such a missile
(the Canadians had them for their F104s quite late in the Cold War), but now I
understand better.
> On 31 May 15, at 15:24, Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Many supersonic jet aircraft have some system like that, Chris. Normally it
>> takes the
>> form of a movable ramp inside the intake, but some aircraft, such as the
>> F16, use another
>> device. I am guessing but it is probably the shape of the passage between
>> intake and the
>> front of the engine, although I rather think that the F16's shape does the
>> trick of
>> arranging for the shock wave to remain ahead of the intake, so keeping the
>> air into the
>> engine subsonic.
> Yes, and the F-102 and F-106 had a half-cone at the intakes that
> performed the same function.
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