>>>An ORF is a data dump. To even view it some form of interpretation must
>>>be made to inform our visual sense. The argument about seeing raw,
>>>unadulterated data is meaningless. If it ain't 1's and 0's it's
>>>processed. Go ahead and compare the ORF to a TIF and see which works for
>>>you Chris. That's what counts.
>> Did that yesterday, and they came out looking the same, closer to the
>> illustrations in the book than did the JPEG photos I took last year. All I
>> can say for now is that it's too bad Olympus removed the TIFF raw option
>> from the E-510 and E-520.
>Now stop, Chris, you're tormenting them.
Heeeee, heeeee, heeeee!
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson
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