Make what you can out of these tests of the 2.8 and 3.5 from Gary
Reese's lens tests. In all cases the lenses being tested under
different test conditions are not the same lenses. Recall that using an
OM-1 with mirror lockup does very little to improve test results since
(as it was discovered later) the primary cause of vibration in OM bodies
is the kick of the stopdown mechanism.
My own conclusion is that there's not much difference optically except
for the increased contrast in the multicoated version of the 2.8 which
is something you can fix in post now.
Chuck Norcutt
135mm f/2.8 Zuiko (single-coated)
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = B @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture Center Corner
f/2.8 C+ C+
f/4 B B-
f/5.6 A- B
f/8 A- B
f/11 A B+
f/16 B+ B
f/22 B B-
Notes: Moderately low contrast images at f/2.8; moderate contrast at f/4
and f/22; moderately high contrast images at f/5.6 to f/8 and f/16; high
contrast images at f/11.
135mm f/2.8 Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = A-
Distortion = none
Aperture Center Corner
f/2.8 B B-
f/4 B- B-
f/5.6 C+ B-
f/8 B- B
f/11 B+ B+
f/16 B+ A-
f/22 B B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast at expense of resolving power throughout
aperture range, with impressively high contrast wide open.
135mm f/3.5 Zuiko (single-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = A-
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture Center Corner
f/3.5 C+ C
f/5.6 C C
f/8 B- B-
f/11 B B
f/16 B+ B+
f/22 B+ B
OM-2000 with mirror and aperture prefire
Aperture Center Corner
f/3.5 C C-
f/5.6 B- C+
f/8 B- B-
f/11 B+ B
f/16 B+ B
f/22 B+ B
Notes: Same 9+ condition lens in both tests. Insignificant differences
between tests likely due to light weight of this lens and minimal
influence of shutter and automatic diaphram vibrations. Moderately low
On 11/29/2014 4:56 AM, Chris Crawford wrote:
I¹ve had a 135mm f3.5 for many years. My dad bought it for me when I was a
kid! I have not used it a lot, but when I have it has been a very good
lens. Any advantage to the f2.8 version other than 1/2 stop of speed? The
f3.5 version I have is incredibly tiny, which I love.
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