That sounds like an interesting question, Philippe (I misunderstood your
question about "did”). But I have a question for you which I’ll ask privately
> On 14 Nov 14, at 06:11, philippe.amard <philippe.amard@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks for your attempt at clarifying for me Piers.
> I suspect I trod onto dangerous territory as regards the thread content :-(
> but I was curious to know -linguistically- why the present perfect, which
> might match the present tense (is) in the second clause, had not been used.
> I was just trying to check my own command of the language(s) and I thought
> the use of the preterit aka simple past "did" was unnecessary. This unless
> one intended to report on some event in a series they witnessed in common, or
> wanted to stress the fact that the speaker (McLuhan here) is now actually
> dead.
> Did vs Has V-EN? My questionning remains open :-)
> Early morning renewed thanks
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