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Re: [OM] Yet another Moose book

Subject: Re: [OM] Yet another Moose book
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 09:21:09 -0400

On 4/26/2014 9:32 PM, Moose wrote:
I can make each one the crop I want, and in batch downsizing/print
sharpening in FastStone, the rest of the page is filled with black. I'm
not stuck with any particular proportions.

I'm surprised that you do sharpening in FastStone. I'd have thought you demanded something more sophisticated... whatever that might be. BreezeBrowser does that stuff if you ask it to make "proofs". I've assumed that Bridge and Lightroom probably do the same but haven't checked it out since I haven't come to love Bridge yet and have never even tried Lightroom (despite owning the last 3 or 4 versions). Lightroom always stops me cold when it tells me it wants to make a catalog.

In any case, one advantage of this kind of book making is that I make
one, and can see if there are changes needed for the next 'printing',
where I get more than one more. So I would be interested in knowing
which ones 'push up against each other'. Where I realize you've seen
something I didn't see, eyes bleary and mind weary with finishing up
processing, downsizing and organizing 80 images, I can make adjustments.

Almost all of the images on adjacent pages "push up against each other" in the on-line preview. The notable exceptions are where portrait and landscape orientations face each other on adjacent pages. There's no page number reporting so I haven't kept track of them. The very first instance is images 3 and 4 following the bridge with reflection. But now I'm curious about why you asked since you've said the actual book won't look like that.

Chuck Norcutt
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