> Bay Photo in California. I gravitated to them from Miller's a while back. I
> don't do the volume that Miller's likes, though they have been kind enough
> not to mention it. Bay also uses a very nice RIP on its printers that doesn't
> require me to resize my photos. I convert them to 300 ppi tiffs out of
> Lightroom and Bay does all the rezzing. Miller's and other labs have required
> me to do the rezzing myself, and I'm not as good at it as those very high
> dollar RIPs.
Thanks for the info on Bay Photo. Very helpful. I like Millers for
portrait/wedding stuff, but I've been cutting back the last two years
and have fallen below the threshold of taxable income.
That's all fine and good as my interests are migrating away from color
photography. My primary "go kit" is all 35mm B&W with just a spare
roll or two of color stuffed in the bag as a safety measure. The
benefit to B&W is the fully equipped darkroom, in which I'd rather be
instead of sitting in front of a LCD monitor.
Ken Norton
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