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Re: [OM] Errrrr.... nevermind

Subject: Re: [OM] Errrrr.... nevermind
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 15:16:13 -0800
On 2/7/2014 3:30 PM, usher99@xxxxxxx wrote:
>> ... I referred to the Thom Hogan website and he seems to favor the
>> Panasonic, and I don't
>> think he's an internet troll.
> S.W.A. Moose:
>>>> I think he's legit. He may not agree with one's own experience on 
>>>> occasion, but the differences will be honest. I suspect they are the same 
>>>> in IQ in practical use.
> This is the opinion I found:
> http://bythom.com/m43lenses.htm
> He did not dislike the Oly 9-18.

Far from it, "I personally like the extra width of the Panny, but I can also 
say that I shoot more with the Oly since 
acquiring it." That's where the rubber meets the road.

He hasn't updated this list for a long time. His opinion of the 20/1.7 differs 
from pretty much everyone else I've read. 
I pretty much only use mine in the dark, where I won't see any difference. :-)

Wrong choice for 9-18 hood. The Oly specifies the LH-55B hood, same as for the 
12-50. I have a third party copy which 
works well and allows lens cap on and off easily.

> The Oly collapses  as well and thus very easy to pack-- I think that is 
> SWAM's point.

Yup. The 12-50 is almost always on a body, so the 9-18 sees sparing use. 
Daytime, it's on top of the 20/1.7 in my small 
bag, night, the reverse.

> Zuiko 21 F2 is as wide as I go, Mike

I have the 18/3.5, but must admit I didn't really start to learn how to use 
super wides until I could practice for free 
on digital.

How Wide Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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