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[OM] Dr. Flash asks a flash question

Subject: [OM] Dr. Flash asks a flash question
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 17:59:08 -0500
Anybody have any suggestions on how to cut the light output of a T-32 in 
full power manual mode by 1/2 stop?  Using the low power setting on a 
T-32 drops the output by 2 stops.  Using a filter holder and a T-32 ND4 
filter also drops it by 2 stops while the ND8 drops it by 4 stops.

I can't use auto or TTL modes so have to figure out how to throttle it 
back in manual mode.  I've thought about using some sort of ND gel 
filter but these things tend to cost more than the present value of a 
T-32.  I've thought of sprinkling little stick-on black dots over the 
surface to block the light but don't know how well that would work.  Any 
blockage needs to be distributed over the surface fairly evenly since I 
don't want to block the angle of coverage.  Maybe a layer or two of 
exposed B&W film?  What can you suggest that I haven't already thought of?

Dr. Flash (looking for lower power)

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