Ken wrote ( and others made helpful analytical comments).
>&> My thoughts exactly. Brian was going to take picture in a challenging
>&> situation, light-wise. It seems that he did not take the right tool with
>&> him.
>&> Agreed. He should have used an iPhone with Instagram.
>&> Ken Norton
In retrospect, maybe I should have charged up the Minolta A1. It yields 5 MP
which would
have been adequate, is totally silent, has a 7x optical zoom that goes from 28
to 200mm, and
is not a visually dominating camera for a public setting.
I'm charging it up now and will run a few trials ...
I have neither an Eyefone nor an Eye Pad.
A Motorola "Rugged" flip-phone does me just fine.
Brian Swale
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: