As to batteries, I've been able to source them locally easily enough
and buy a couple 3-packs (why 3?) every 18 months or so. Not shooting
the OM-2S has lowered my battery consumption a lot.
My split is a bit interesting these days since I've pretty well
stopped shooting professionally right now. No weddings, portraits or
events scheduled at all for the rest of 2013. With the job change to
Colorado, I had to shed whatever things I had left. So, it's all
personal or spec work. This is temporary, but for how long and for how
much will I rejoin that rat race, I do not know. If I'm not enjoying
it, it's time to do something else.
I shoot more pictures with my cellphone than everything else combined,
but the usage is mostly for farcebook. It's something that in my mind
is not "photography" but more like visual note-keeping. So, excluding
75% film, 25% digital. Most of the digital is relegated to moon shots.
The more serious the photography, the more likely I'm going to use
Ken Norton
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: